Use of affiliate links:

This is a personal blog that exists to help you improve your sales skills.

We use affiliate links as a way to help us support the running of this blog.

Affiliate marketing is a widely used practice and some of the biggest brands, for example: Amazon.

Revenue Reveal is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates.

If you click on one of these links and make a purchase, we may make a small commission.

We’re careful about the products/services we recommend and if we believe they hold no value – we won’t recommend them.

With that in mind, you should assume that all links are affiliate links and do your due diligence before making a purchase. What’s right for us, may not be the perfect solution for you. It’s important to figure out what you want to achieve, this will make any purchase decisions far easier.

Earnings and examples of results

The results we discuss aren’t always typical, whether it be examples of how much you could earn or how much traffic you could get.

There’s no guarantee that just because we did really well, you will achieve the same. For all we know, you could do even better.

There are a lot of personal factors that could be a factor that we cannot be held accountable for.

But in most cases, you won’t. If you aren’t able to replicate something doesn’t mean it isn’t going to work. It means you need to look at it contextualize your situation and try a different approach.

We do not offer any financial, medical, legal or psychological advice.